Partner feature to boost SEO
How to use the Partner Feature to boost your SEO
A great way to boost local SEO is with Partner Features. This is where you partner with another local business and put a link to their site on your website. You can also have them write a blog, host an event at your space or even give your members a discount.
How to use the Partner Feature to boost your SEO
How links improve SEO
Sample email to send to potential partners
Step-by-step guide on using the Partner block (and where to put it)
3 blog post ideas that highlight local businesses
Sample email requesting those businesses to link to that blog post on their site
How Links improve SEO
Like most things, it’s all about relationships. When a search engine like Google sees your content is linked on pages across the web, the search engine recognizes that your brand deserves more respect. That means your site will be higher up in the search results.
Search engines value quality over quantity. A Site that is regularly producing content and updating will usually outperform a site with more visitors.
How to find Partners and starting the conversation.
Make a list of about a dozen local businesses, events, influencers etc. you think would make great link partners.
Introduce yourself or join existing conversations in forums.
Comment on blog or social media posts — Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, Facebook and YouTube.
Ask for permission to repost all or part of an article they wrote on your own site.
Reach out to bloggers, inviting them to write a guest post or review your offerings.
Ask your gym members for recommendations or introductions.
Sample Email
Hey there!
I’ve been following your [blog, social media, business etc.] for what seems like forever.
Your recent [blog post, event, social media post] really resonated with me. I thought it was something my audience would appreciate, so I shared it with my social media and email subscribers.
I wanted to get in touch with you to discuss [topic] further and see if we can work on something similar together.
If you’re interested we can set up a [phone call, coffee, lunch,etc.] this week to discuss starting a collaboration that would bring value to both our audiences.
Partner Links
So you did the hard part and got the partner link. Now, where does it go? The Partner Block is a great place for that.
This is a block with links directly under the brand logo. Its a crisp, clean and easy way to add links. Make sure to put this on your home page or a dedicated partners page.

How to Add and Update the Partner Block.
How to add:
Make sure you are logged in. Here is a guide on how to do that if you aren't sure.
Once you are logged in Click on the logo in the upper left corner.
You will see the front of your website. Find the page you want to edit.
Click on the Edit Page button in the top left corner.
Click on Add Block
Click on Partner Block under the Gym Information filter

How to Update the Partner Block
Go to the Partners page
Select the Partners Block.
Select all All Partners
Select edit on the Partner you want to edit.

Add Categories to Partners
This is how to create a category for your partners. Use this to put partners blocks on multiple pages but only have specific partners display.
From the edit Partners Page click on Add New Category
Create a category such as "Our Friends" or "Restaurants with healthy lunches".
Add the category to partners as needed.
Removing or hiding a Partners
Go to the Partners page
Select the Partners Block.
Select all All Partners
Select the Partner you want to remove or hide.
Once on that Partners page, you can simply change the status from Published to Draft.
Changing the order of Partners
Open the Partners Block and select Re-Order Partners
Once on the Reorder page, you will see a column like this. Simply drag and drop the Partners into the order you want them in.

3 blog post ideas that highlight local businesses
A top 5 healthy lunch spots near your gym.
A review of a local business that is in line with your brand. Such as a yoga studio, self defense class, healthy cooking class, etc.
Create a Blog Scavenger Hunt or Bingo Card. Have the squares be in front of local businesses.
Sample email requesting those businesses to link to that blog post on their site
Hey there!
I’ve been following your [blog, social media, business etc.] for what seems like forever.
We recently published [blog post, event, social media post] and our members loved it. I thought it was something your audience would appreciate, too. So I was wondering if you would be so kind as to share it and link to this blog if you like it.
Thanks so much for your time and I hope you enjoy the article!
Updated on: 12/11/2020
Thank you!