Fitness Assesment (Pop up in corner of homepage)
Fitness Assessment Overview
Another feature of the website is the Fitness Assessment. This is a Lead Generation tool that sends prospects through a 10 questions series and then is prompted to enter their email or phone number (depending on the settings you choose).
If you do not want to use this feature, click disable it by following this video.
How does it work?
For those of you still reading let's begin. The Fitness Assessment starts as a popup on your website.

See it in the lower left-hand corner?
Once they click

Note: For the assessment, you can not edit the questions.
After your lead takes the fitness assessment they will receive an email.
This is your choice, but they can be offered a coupon with their assessment results. This coupon's goal is to entice them to come in.
You can offer a coupon(s) for:
- Group Class
- Hybrid
- Personal Training
The whole point of this assessment is not for you to simply email out coupons. The goal is to get their email and have them start a conversation with you. From there they will see that your gym is awesome and want to come in.
To do this, you then can put your prospect in a Lead Nurturing Campaign with whatever Member Management Software System you have (If you are a rock star with a Hatchbuck account, these emails are already in there and will start automatically once a prospect completes your Fitness Assessment)
Settings and Features.
Your Fitness Assessment is under the Lead Gen Tab.

Design Tab

On this tab you can change:
Which email the results notify to.
To collect phone numbers
And if you want to disable the coupon feature.

On this page, you can add in your Facebook Pixel Code if you want to use it for tracking.
You can also add your Hatchbuck API key to connect your Hatchbuck. (Can be found here.)
Coupon Global

These changes you make here are for all the coupons.
Coupon-Group Class, Coupon Hybrid, Coupon Personal Training.

These 3 tabs are all edited in the same way.
You can:
Put in a link for your lead to schedule a visit.
Select if you want the discount to be a $ or a %.
Chose the discount amount.
Make any changes to the copy for each coupon.
Sample Coupon and Email:

Popup Settings.

Changes made on this screen are to the Pop up itself. They include:
1.The icon on the Assessment. (See full icon list here)
2.The Header
3.The Sub header
4.The Text
5.The Button Text

IMPORTANT: Using Select pages to display. This is where you can select which pages the assessment goes on.
What to do with the results?
The results of your assessments are stored on the left hand column under Results

The results are displayed like this.

For Hatchbuck users, we have a campaign already created called "Website - Fitness Assessment". You can view it in your Campaigns folder.
For those of you who aren't using Hatchbuck, you can follow up with this client using another system or write a one-off email.
That is a brief overview of the Fitness Assessment Lead Generator. Your Fitness Assessment is ready for you to make some Facebook Ads, which you can do by following this course.
You've done it! Keep it up. You are almost done. Reach out here if you any questions or feedback.
Updated on: 09/03/2020
Thank you!