Update Get Started Steps
Editing the Get Started Block.
From The Gym Dashboard, load the Get Started Page. Once the page is loaded, open the Getting Started 3 steps block.
Above is a quick visual guide on the Get Started Block.
The following is a brief explanation of the Get Started Block. Listed in order. Simply follow along as you edit the block.
Block Title Please title this block for better organization. This will not show up on your site.
Background Image This is the large image. Select an image from your media library or upload a new one.
Background Overlay- This is an option to add an overlay tint to your image. This is especially helpful so texts will be easy to read.
Full Screen- This section will be the height of the screen.
Header- Large Text over Image.
Text- Text under the header.
Show Get Started Button- Turn on/off the button.
Get Started Button Text- Here you can edit the text of the button.
Steps Background Color- The choices here are from your site colors that match your logo.
Steps Text Color- Here you can change the color of the text.
NUMBER OF STEPS * This is where you can select 1-4 steps for your block.
Editing the Steps.
Each step edits in the same way.
Step 1 Header- Describe the step.
Step 1 Text - Put a few sentences about the step.
Step 1 Icon- Select an icon from the list.
Updated on: 03/09/2020
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