Campaign | September: Member Appreciation
MEMBER APPRECIATION | Marketing Campaign
This campaign is for your members, their friends and families. During this month, you can showcase your members and gym that could make it appealing to someone on the fence or who might need a little extra push to get in the gym. By posting throughout the month; contests, highlighted members, and overall gym community, it could go a long way in establishing trust with potential members and your existing ones.
13 Ideas for a Successful Member Appreciation Month:
Showcase those who’ve been with you the longest/middle/ shortest and provide each with a gift.
Contact each client personally and connect. Call, handwritten notes, etc.
Give away swag all month randomly or scheduled.
Partner with other like minded businesses for copromotion/giveaways during the month. The idea is to get access to their client list. Maybe have local businesses setup a “fair” in your gym during busiest classes.
Host an Appreciation Party at end of month. Example: go to a trampoline park, BBQ at a local park.
Take your ambassadors/ longest clients out to lunch.
Feature clients on social media.
Hold a raffle. Every checkin is a raffle ticket.
Play Member bingo. Use the template we have created in Canva, then print out.
During one of the weeks, have a theme for each day.
Once each week, have a special time for your members to come in and learn a new skill from a coach in a semi-private group of your peers. All coaches could attend for more individualized attention.
Incorporate the Bring a Friend campaign week into this month long celebration.
One day each week during the month, setup a GoPro/camera in the corner of your gym, hit record after each workout, and let your members walk up and share one thing they love most about your gym. (will be great social media content you can use ongoing to promote your gym)
We've made it much easier for you to customize the marketing campaign graphics. Instead of providing jpgs that you can't revise, we've created our graphics in Canva so you can now replace photos, logos, and also the text.
We are now offering templates you can pull into your free version of Canva and customize. From there you can easily resize the graphics for whatever platform you want to share them on.
Member Appreciation Canva Graphic Templates For You To Use:
Instagram Post #1 template >
Instagram Post #2 template >
Instagram Story #1 template >
Instagram Story #2 template >
Facebook/Web Banner #1 template >
Facebook/Web Banner #2 template >
Member Bingo Card template >
See the example templates below from Canva that you can easily customize.

Steps to set-up:
Use the links above to access, customize, and download the creative assets from Canva.
Create your promotion for this campaign. Possible promos are below.
Add Landing pages to the site. We have a video tutorial below how to do this.
Add the email template(s) we've written for you to the email service of your choice. Be sure to follow up with your leads until they say "no!"
Make sure you make it easy for people to sign up.
Tell everyone about it! Share the graphics on social media, email your mailing list, run a paid ad and have your members refer others.
Possible Promos:
(This campaign is directed towards members, but you can also promote your Appreciation month to new leads.)
Want to see what we’re all about? No better time than our Member Appreciation Month. Contests, Giveaways, Challenges, and Fun Events all month.
Time to Celebrate YOU! Join us in [month] and you’ll be entered to win [add prize]
It’s a party all month here at [your gym]. Contests, Giveaways, Challenges, and some fun events are on tap. Please join us and find out about our new member specials..
Landing Pages:
The Landing Page is where people sign up for your offer. It has two jobs:
1. Excite people about your offer:
Display your offer in big, bold text to get them excited to claim it. And showcase the main selling points of your gym to build their interest in joining.
2. Make it easy for people to claim the offer:
The offer form is placed at the top of the page so people can immediately see it when they land on the page. And the title and subtext explain exactly what a person should do on the page: Claim the offer.
There are two landing pages with this campaign:
The Main Landing Page
And a Thank You Page that people will be directed to upon signup
Social Media
Join us for a month-long celebration at [your gym]. Contests, Giveaways, Challenges, and some fun events are planned.
Time to Celebrate YOU! We’ve got lots planned for our Member Appreciation Month. Stay Tuned.
It’s a party all month here at [your gym]. Contests, Giveaways, Challenges, and some fun events are on tap. Please join us.
Paid Ads
Step 1: Facebook Ad
Facebook Ads allow you to target people who are interested in fitness training in your local area to drive them to your Offer Page.
Below is a pre-built Facebook Ad and Target Audience that you can use for your ads.
If you haven’t really run Facebook ads before, we recommend just posting this ad as a post on your Facebook gym page, then using the Ads Manager on your business page to run an ad on the existing post you just made based on the audience below. (Facebook tutorial to help).
1. Ad
Start with a short, exciting sentence to pull people in. Then show a call-to-action to tell them whatever your offer is. Then show the aspects of the Campaign in a bullet list, with eye-catching emojis, so it’s easy for them to read.
Time to feel the love! We know our members are a huge part of what makes our gym so special. We want to create the opportunity for our local community to celebrate each other and our gym!
During the month of [month of celebration], we will be having contests, challenges, and loads of fun celebrating YOU, our members, friends and families.
Use an exciting, eye-catching image preferably of someone in your gym. If not, use one of the graphics we included.
Choose a headline that sounds appealing and wants someone to learn more.
Newsfeed Link Description
Provide a sentence or two with some extra details on your promo.
In this campaign, we suggest using the “Learn more” option.
Website URL:
[Copy/paste the landing page url you added to your website, similar to this:]
2. Target audience
Here’s the targeting we recommend:
Interests/Behaviour Targeting
Facebook’s Interest and Behavior targeting allows you to show your Ad to people who are interested in specific things and activities. Their system has become very sophisticated and is now able to target the right people incredibly accurately.
We recommend using Facebook’s Fitness Interests:
Physical exercise
Physical fitness
Weight Loss
Age, Gender, Language and Location Targeting
Age, Gender, Location and Language targeting should reflect who your most common members are. If you generally serve people in their 20’s and 30’s, then you should target people in that age group. If you’re unsure which Location to target, we recommend targeting people within a 30-minute drive of your own location: This is a close enough distance for most people to be content with driving to you.
Why are Facebook Ads effective for this Campaign?
The reason they’re effective is because they’re shown to people who are interested in fitness training in your area. Facebook is great at knowing people’s interests based on their behavior, which is what makes their Ad targeting so effective.
Google Adwords, on the other hand, don’t work well for limited-time offers. This is generally because people don’t search on Google for limited-time offers. And the ones who do search for giveaways are just people who are interested in getting something for cheap, and are not always the best customers as they are so price-sensitive.
Email Template
Post Date: When you launch campaign
SUBJECT LINE: Time to Celebrate YOU, Our Members!
How about a month-long celebration of the wonderful community we have here at our gym!
Time to feel the love! We know our members are a huge part of what makes our gym so special. We want to create the opportunity for our community to celebrate each other and our gym!
During the month of [month of celebration], we will be having contests, challenges, and loads of fun celebrating YOU, our members.
Make sure to follow our website, Facebook page, and Instagram for all the events.
[User Signature Block]
P.S. You don't have to be perfect, you just have to start!
Updated on: 05/06/2023
Thank you!