Articles on: How to get and convert more leads - v4

How to add a Landing Page from the Landing Page Library

What is a Landing Page?

A landing page is a standalone page on your website with a specific call-to-action. Unlike the single, main call-to-action on your site your landing page call-to-action should be used for a very specific purpose. For example:

- Running a seasonal special
- Launching a new program or service
- Inviting visitors to an event

How to locate the Landing Page Library

- Log into your site
- Navigate to Add/Edit Page
- Search/Filter the type of landing page that best suits your needs

See it in action:

Share your new landing page with the world

While it may seem that your should link your new landing page on your homepage or main menu, this is NOT a best practice. Remember: Landing Pages are an effective marketing tool because they present a new and novel offer or Call-to-Action.

If a visitor is currently on your homepage you can be confident that they are interested in your existing services or Call-to-Action. If you introduce a Landing Page offer to your main Call-to-Action you only stand to confuse your visitor. Confusion is the enemy of marketing.

Here are some ways you should share the direct link to your landing page offer:

- Social Media
- Email campaigns
- QR codes on printed materials
- As a pop-up on key pages (e.g. Pricing Page, Get Started Page)

Landing pages and special offers are the BEST way for you to stay relevant and top-of-mind. The target audience for your landing page offer are people who are aware of your services, but aren’t quite ready to become a customer. This offer or event might be just the nudge they need.

Updated on: 17/02/2022

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