Articles on: Site Resources & Tools

How to add a .PDF or Ebook to your site.

How to add a pdf to your site.

Looking to add an Ebook,downloadable guide, free book or other document? You can do that as a a .PDF Adding a .PDF to your site is a great way to get information out or use as incentive to get leads to sign up. This guide will cover how to add a .PDF and several ways it can be used.

Overview of the steps for adding a .PDF

Add the .PDF to your Media Library
Copy and Paste the URL to that PDF
Add the URL to link in the PDF wherever you need it

Adding a PDF to your Media Library.

Click on the Advanced tab
Click on Media Library (this will open in a new tab)
Click on Add New
Upload your .PDF

Uploading PDF and getting PDF URL

Adding a .PDF to a form

With this you can add a .PDF to be sent to someone who fills out a form. Here is how.

Click on Forms In the left-hand menu
Select the Form you want to add the .PDF to
Click on Confirmations
Click on Add New
Click on redirect URL and paste the URL to the PDF.
Click on Save Confirmation

Adding a .PDF to a CTA Button

You can add a .PDF to any button. By changing the button to a custom button and putting in the URL for the .PDF

Updated on: 20/11/2020

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