How To Change Your Footer
How to change your footer
Use this guide to learn about how to make changes to the footer on your website. To see how to change the other parts of the page Check out this article.

How to Make Changes to the Footer

How to change your logo
Make sure you are logged in. Here is a guide on how to do that if you aren't sure.
Click on the Settings Tab
Click on Gym Info.
Click on ADD FILE under Site Logo
Upload your logo from your computer
Click on the Save Page button at the bottom of the tab.
How to add a secondary logo
Make sure you are logged in. Here is a guide on how to do that if you aren't sure.
Click on the Settings Tab
Click on Gym Info.
Click on ADD FILE under Site Logo
Click on Show Secondary Logo
Upload your logo from your computer
Click on the Save Page button at the bottom of the tab.

Changing Contact Information
Make sure you are logged in. Here is a guide on how to do that if you aren't sure.
Click on the Settings Tab
Click on Gym Info.
Update any information that you want.
Click on the Save Page button at the bottom of the tab.

How to get to the Footer Menu editing page.
Click on the Settings Tab
Click on Design
Click on Footer
Click on Click Here to edit menu.

Your footer menu is a great place to put links you want people to be able to find but might not want them to see right away. The Membership Cancellation and Hold Pages work great in the Footer Menu.
Making Changes to a menu.
Some common changes are to change the order, remove buttons or rename them. See the guide below. Click here for a more in-depth guide.

How to add Social Links
Click on the Settings Tab
Click on Social Media Links
Add any information you would like.
Click on Saves Changes

As always please reach out using the Chatbox if you have questions or need help.
Updated on: 03/09/2020
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