How to Edit Page Content
How to Change Page Content.
Use this guide to learn about how to make changes to Page Content on your website. In this you'll learn how to find a page or pages, how to edit pages and how to move things on a page. To see how to change the other parts of the page Check out this article.

How to get to edit page view.
Make sure you are logged in. Here is a guide on how to do that if you aren't sure.
Once you are logged in Click on the logo in the upper left corner.
You will see the front of your website. Find the page you want to edit.
Click on the Edit Page button in the top left corner.

How to find what you want to edit.
You can see that there are different parts of the website. Those are called Blocks. They are what make up your page.

Its easy to edit, add and move the Blocks on the page. You can find the blocks in the left hand menu. You can see a preview of the block you are working on or see the entire page.

How do I make changes to parts of a page?
This is how to make changes to the Blocks. Each Block has minor differences so reach out to support by using the chatbox if you have questions.
To edit a Block click on the block and make any changes you like.
Press Save Changes to update your page.

How to add new content and move content
You can add a block to any page. Use different blocks to add in things like Class Schedules, an image gallery, testimonials or even YouTube videos.
Click on Add Block.
Select a block from the menu. There are so many.
Click Create New to add the block - OR - Click Add Existing to add a block from another page.

How to move around content on a page?
Its easy to change the order of the blocks on your page. This is also a quick and easy way to change the look of a page.
Click on Re-order.
Drag the blocks to the new order you want.
Click Save Re-Order.

As always please reach out using the Chatbox if you have questions or need help.
Updated on: 29/10/2020
Thank you!